As many of you will recall, Crispin was fastidious in his record keeping. He left behind filing cabinets filled with paperwork about the ABC trial - from his handwritten notes of the trial and minutes of campaign meetings and flyers to campaign posters and ephemera from the ABC Campaign. Last year we were lucky enough to be approached by Statewatch who offered to archive Crispin’s documents and provide a long-term home for an official ABC Archive. We are hugely grateful toGarden Court’s Special Fundfor the grant that enabled Statewatch to undertake the painstaking process of archiving Crispin’s collection of documents as well as to Zak Suffee who undertook much of the work.
The launch event was an opportunity to remember Crispin and recall the huge significance of the ABC trial for both journalists and lawyers. Huge thanks to our speakers for their valuable contributions: Ann Singleton(Co-Chair Statewatch), Kate Aubrey-Johnson(Crispin Aubrey Legacy Fund), John Berry(the ‘B’ of ABC), Duncan Campbell(the ‘C’ of ABC), Tony Bunyan(Statewatch, ABC Defence Campaign), Rajiv MenonQC (Garden Court Chambers), Zak Suffee(Statewatch Library Volunteer)and Richard Norton-Taylor(Writer on Defence & Security, Guardian). To browse the special collection on the ABC Case online click here
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